When: April 17, 2010 (Saturday)
Where: Anaheim Vineyard (directions)
The all-day Saturday conference will center on this theme from Dallas:
"Knowledge for Life: Learning to Trust & Grow in Spiritual Knowledge."
In January, at www.vcfanaheim.com, tickets for the conference will go on sale.
In part, the conference will echo similar themes in Dallas Willard's Knowing Christ Today.
JP writes:
Dallas Willard’s Knowing Christ Today is a stunning achievement. I could not put it down. It is the foundational book for all of his other works on the spiritual life, and a must read for all who wish to grasp the appropriate framework for knowing and following Jesus in the contemporary setting. Far too often, Christians interested in the intellectual aspects of Christianity do not pay much attention to the distinctively spiritual formation side of things. But just as importantly, those who are committed to spiritual formation frequently set aside the more philosophical, cognitive side of the journey. Both sides in isolation are truncated and, fortunately, with the publication of Knowing Christ Today, the intellectual and spiritual facets of walking with Jesus are brought together in one place in such a way that their essential inseparability is laid bare for the reader in a life-changing, persuasive way. This is one of the most important books published in my lifetime, and I urge everyone to read it with care. However, I am happy to announce that those of us in the So Cal area do not need to rest with merely reading the book; no, we can attend a critical conference at which Willard himself will interact about the themes and implications of his book and handle questions from the conferees. I am deeply involved in this conference and consider it to be of critical importance. I urge everyone who can to attend it.
If you are in the southern California area, JP will also be giving a full review and leading a discussion of Dallas' book on March 25, 2010 (Thursday @ 7 pm) at the coffee shop of the Anaheim Vineyard.