Kingdom Triangle Discussion

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Moreland Speaks to International Students & Scholars

Kansas City, MO - July 12-14 - JP joined several colleagues to speak at a conference for international students and scholars called, "Truth Under Deconstruction: Presenting Christ in a Relativistic World."

The event was sponsored by the International Institute for Christian Studies.

Several hundred were in attendance, coming from around the U.S. and Europe.

JP spoke on Christian exclusivism, on the nature of truth, presuppositions and worldview. Among other things, he called specific attention to the three themes of
Kingdom Triangle.

"The entire conference was very warm, intelligent, and exciting," said JP.

The bookstore at the conference sold out of all the copies of Kingdom Triangle in about thirty minutes.

When JP spoke about his own personal acquaintance with supernatural manifestations of the Kingdom of God, this was received with thoughtful discussion and the mutual sharing of stories of what has been seen of God's work abroad.